网赌上分平台 Students and Your Organization
The 职业发展中心 (CDC) can connect you with University students for internship and job opportunities, 校园招聘, and top matches for your available positions.
Our 握手 career management system puts the power in your hands to view top matches for your open positions and start a conversation.
与我们联系 today to learn how to Hire A Charger!
Confer with us to discuss or commit to the following offering that can best enhance your 网赌上分平台 presence:
Post and manage an unlimited number of internship, full-time or part-time openings for free on 握手.
Information Tables in the 职业发展中心
Reserve a table in the campus center to provide general information about your company to students.
Scholarships and Sponsorships
招募 strong students by offering an end-of-affiliation scholarship stipend, to defray their college costs, in addition to paying a fair wage during their work assignment.
Students want and need to find out more about companies and various career fields. What better way to educate them than for you to offer students the opportunity to shadow employers at your company for a day. School breaks are optimal but individual student schedules may offer flexibility.
Corporate tours are a great way to introduce students to your organization. Invite a 网赌上分平台 student organization or group to your facility. Provide a tour of various departments or areas and provide lunch. Don’t forget to include your senior officials. The 网赌上分平台 职业发展中心 will assist efforts to arrange a tour.
Career-Related Professionalism Presentations
Present on topics such as interviewing skills, internship/job search strategies, 工作场所职业精神, 和其他人.
Host an Information Session
Provide a general or club/organization-specific information session on campus. Consider conducting one in advance of interviews to meet students in an informal setting prior to one-on-one interviews.
Advertise information about your organization by sponsoring events in our office or by purchasing an ad in the nationally recognized student newspaper, 充电器公告自1938年以来一直存在.
Conduct practice interviews with students. Let us know when you can come; we’ll book a room and create a schedule for you. Let us know if you will conduct general interviews or if you prefer to restrict your interviews to a specific major.
分享你的专业知识. Spend a day or a half-day critiquing résumés for our students. Let us know if you will conduct general interviews or if you prefer to restrict your résumé critiques to a specific major. We’ll provide the room, ink pens and students.
Participate in, or host a networking event for students and alumni on your site or ours.
Work with closely University faculty and students on an academic project. Ask us, and we’ll connect you with the right folks.
CDC 工作人员 Consultation 访问s to Employer Sites
Meet with a CDC staff member to discuss a partnership strategy for your organization.