的 WeEmbody实验室 is a working group of public health professionals and students that focuses on issues around the sociocultural factors associated with body image dissatisfaction, disordered eating, and related concerns. 基于 School of 健康 Sciences at the University of New Haven, the members of our lab meet to discuss and develop research, 宣传, and other public health efforts focused on promoting health equity.
任务: To train the next generation of leaders dedicated towards promoting public health equity and addressing appearance-based discrimination and stigma.
愿景: We envision a world without discrimination and stigma surrounding people’s race, 性别, sexual orientation, body shape and size, and other characteristics that define who they are.
研究 Topics:
- 身体形象
- Disordered eating behaviors
- 健康 and nutrition policy
- 同性恋群体的健康
- Stigma and discrimination
- Mental health