Before September 11, 2001, the job market for emergency management was already expanding quickly. The movement of populations into the "Sunshine States" and into risk-prone areas such as coastlines, 冲积平原, 森林还制造了飓风等自然事件, 森林大火, and tornadoes far more threatening and challenging to communities and businesses. 911之后, terrorism in all forms — including biological and chemical — became a crucial and inextricable part of emergency management.
在新英格兰只有第二个这样的项目,M.S. in 应急管理 程序 offers 36 credits of interdisciplinary coursework — delivered both online and on campus — that prepares students for successful roles in disaster mitigation and prevention. Students in the 程序 complete eight required core courses covering topics in hazard mitigation, 灾难的准备, 灾难恢复, 紧急事件管理, 和更多的. An additional four courses of electives are required for the degree, with the approval of the 程序 advisor students may select courses from areas of study such as criminal justice, 火灾科学, 公共管理, 国家安全, 或者另一个领域.
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