In the Media
动物教育基金CT:如何识别 & Prevent Animal Cruelty
Virginia Maxwell, 法医学教授和动物虐待调查主任毕业证书, 你是这个关于如何识别和防止虐待动物的教育节目的第一位嘉宾吗.
D.Phil., Oxford University
Dr. 维吉尼亚·麦克斯韦于2007年加入网赌上分平台,此前她在康涅狄格州法医实验室的痕迹证据部门工作了15年. 在加入法医实验室之前,她曾在耶鲁大学和加拿大皇家军事学院工作. 她在实验室的时候, 她参与了该州许多备受瞩目的案件,并被州法院和联邦法院认可为专家. 从2011年到2014年,她曾担任亨利C. Lee College, returning to the faculty in 2014 to pursue her interests in animal cruelty investigation.
在大学期间,她教授了许多法医学课程,并为荣誉课程的学生开设了三门荣誉课程. 她是fepac认证的M.S. 法医学硕士,并负责新批准的动物虐待调查研究生证书. Her laboratory research interests are in the degradation of physical evidence, including trace evidence, tool marks, and DNA. Beyond the laboratory, she is using crime data to predict hot spots for crimes against animals, such as dog fighting, COVID对肉类加工业的影响,以及这对工业化农业系统中的动物的影响, and cruelty in horse racing.
Evidence Technology Magazine
April 2020
Kammrath B, De Alcaraz Fossoul J, O’Brien RC, Harris H, Maxwell V.
Academx, 2019
Maxwell V, Powers R和Kammrath B
Academx 2018
Academx, 2018
Kammrath B, Powers R和Maxwell V
Academx 2017
The Evidentiary Significance of Automotive Paints from the Northeast: A Study of Red Paint.
Kaitlin J. Kruglak, Mara Dubnicka, Brooke Kammrath, Virginia Maxwell, John A. Reffner
Forensic Science – Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Engineering for Justice
Evgeny Katz Ed.
Wiley, June 2015
Virginia M. Maxwell and Earl Williams
AFTE Journal, January 2013
Virginia M. Maxwell
Trace and Transfer Evidence
Henry C. Lee and Virginia M. Maxwell
法医科学,西里尔·威特·埃德., Matthew Bender
November 2010
Physical Evidence
Henry C. Lee, Virginia M. Maxwell, et al
Connecticut Fair Plan, 1995
Crime Scene Investigation
Henry C. Lee, Virginia M. Maxwell, et al
I.M. Schmitt, V.M. Maxwell, G.A. Olack, R.L. Edelson, S. Chimenti, F.P. Gasparro
J Photochem. Photobiol. B. 1994 Jan; 22(1):17-21
F.P. Gasparro, V.M. Maxwell, M.S. Malane and R.E. Tigelaar
J. Photochem.Photobiol., November 1993
F.P. Gasparro, V.M. Maxwell, M.S. Malane and R.E. Tigelaar
Photochem. Photobiol. 58: 682-688, 1993
P.R. Roberge, V.S. Sastri and V.M. Maxwell
CANMET Report MTL 90-65 (TR), Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Canada, 1991
P.R. Roberge, V.S. Sastri and V.M. Maxwell
CANMET Report MTL 90-68 (TR), Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Canada, 1991
Monitoring Corrosion Inhibition with Electrochemical Spectroscopy
P.R. Roberge, E. Halliop, V.M. Maxwell, and V.S. Sastri
Corrosion 48: 333, 1990
Compton, R.G., Maxwell, V.M., and Waller, A.W.
J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans., 1990
Ion –Selective Electrodes
Maxwell, Virginia M.
Diss. Abstr, Int. B, 51 (1990) 1289
2的光化学还原,1,3-Benzothiodiazole-4,7-Dicarbonitrile in the Presence of Cationic Micelles and Onward Electron Transfer Reactions
Robinson, J.N., Cole-Hamilton, D.J., Camilleri, P., Dainty, C., and Maxwell, V.M.
J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans.1, 85(1989)3385
Indole and Related Non-Volatile Compound Release from Decomposing Mammalian Liver, 2020
Murphy H, Powers R, Maxwell V
Identification of Bullet Holes in Fabric using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, 2020
Maxwell, V., Scarpelli, N., Kammrath, B.,
Identification of Bullet Holes in Fabric using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, 2019
Maxwell, V., Scarpelli, N., Kammrath, B.,
North Eastern Association of Forensic Scientists, Harrisburg, PA.
从家畜皮毛中提取人类DNA: DNA转移在虐待动物调查中的应用
North Eastern Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Harrisburg, PA
The Impact of the Environmental Degradation on the Analysis of Manufactured Fibers, 2019
Weber, A and Maxwell, V
The Impact of the Environmental Degradation on the Analysis of Manufactured Fibers, 2019
Weber, A and Maxwell, V
美国法医学学会年会, Baltimore
Forensic Characterization and Discrimination of Manila Envelopes, 2018
Sanchez-Melo, M.-I., Maxwell, V., Dahlberg, D., Kammrath, B. W.
Forensic Characterization and Discrimination of Manila Envelopes, 2018
Sanchez-Melo, M.-I., Maxwell, V, Dahlberg, D. , Kammrath, B. W.
Effect of water submersion on biological and chemical evidence., 2018
Northeast Regional Honors Conference, Conference, Providence, RI.,
Goriounova, A., Marazzo, J., Glynn, C., Maxwell, V.
The Impact of the Environmental Degradation on the Analysis of Manufactured Fibers, 2018
Weber, A and Maxwell, V
Kruglak, K., Reffner, J. A., Maxwell, V., Kammrath, B. W.
The Impression, Pattern and Trace Evidence Symposium, Washington, DC,
Kruglak, K., Reffner, J. A., Maxwell, V., Kammrath, B. W.
Determination of the Sequence of Intersecting Pen Strokes in Handwritten Documents, 2017
Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting
Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists, Pocono Manor, PA,
Kruglak, K., Reffner, J. A., Maxwell, V., Kammrath, B. W.
The Identification of Bullet Holes in Automotive Windshields, 2013
Maxwell V and Scott C
Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting
Identification of Menstrual Blood Using Raman Spectroscopy, 2013
Gerard Petillo and Virginia M. Maxwell
放射性保护剂WR77913对四苯基卟啉体内药动学的影响, 1993
In vivo Pharmacokinetics of Tetraphenylporphine Sulphonate, 1991
San Antonio, TX
In vivo Pharmacokinetics of Drugs via Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 1991
Kingston, Ontario
Monitoring a Corrosion Inhibition Program with Corrosion Potential Fluctuations, 1990
Montreal, Canada
A.C. Impedance Monitoring of Localised Corrosion in Sour Gas Media, 1990
C.I.M. 冶金学家年会
Quebec City, Canada
用数据点的系统排列分析电化学阻抗腐蚀测量, 1990
Monitoring Localised Corrosion Problems with Electrochemical Impedance, 1990
National Association of Corrosion Engineers Canadian Region Western Conference
Outstanding Service Award - Awarded to those who successfully perform an extreme, complex or difficult investigation.
Unit Citation -颁发给部门的成员, a command or group who combine their resources to achieve success in an investigation or event. 该奖项表彰了杰出的集体努力.
A formalized collaboration with the University of Connecticut Law School for an entity 鼓励和扩大合作, 就如何调查虐待动物罪行和提供调查服务,进行知识交流和制订计划,培训学生和专业人员. Collaboration directors: Virginia Maxwell and Jessica Rubin JD (UConn Law School).
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, 法医学教授和动物虐待调查主任毕业证书, 你是这个关于如何识别和防止虐待动物的教育节目的第一位嘉宾吗.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, 法医学教授和动物虐待调查主任毕业证书, 关于全国宠物盗窃案数量上升的评论, 她还提供了一些关于保护的建议.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, 法医学教授兼动物虐待调查研究生证书主任评论了斗狗的暴力行为以及执法机构取缔这种行为的难度.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, 法医学教授, 讨论了1996年康涅狄格州一名妇女的谋杀案,以及法医科学如何帮助破案. Dr. 麦克斯韦的采访在12:30开始.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, 法医学教授, 讨论了最近两起涉及猫和狗的虐待动物案件,以及她是如何参与调查这些案件的.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, 法医学教授, took part in the University of Rhode Island’s Forensic Science Seminar Series, offered each semester by the university’s Forensic Science Partnership, to discuss dog fighting, its history, 以及如何在犯罪现场收集证据.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, 法医学教授, says the lockdowns during the pandemic caused a rise in pet adoptions, 但现在这些限制被取消了, 许多人没有时间和金钱照顾动物.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, 助理主席兼法医学教授, 讨论了动物囤积者的三种基本类型以及处理这类犯罪现场的困难.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, assistant dean of the Lee College and 法医学教授, 关于斗狗的讨论还在继续, 即使是在迈克尔·维克的高调案件之后.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, assistant dean of the Lee College and 法医学教授, 谈到了她如何参与防止虐待动物的活动,以及她创建的动物虐待调查研究生证书.
University News
Universities.网赌上分平台(University of New Haven)在其2021年美国攻读法医学学位的顶尖大学排名中名列前茅, 赞扬独特和创新的实践学习机会和具有行业经验的教师,他们继续在该领域产生重要影响.
In the Media
Virginia Maxwell, associate dean, 法医学副教授, has written an article about the criminal investigation of animal cruelty.