“我必须考虑到每件事吗??!!" That's usually an exasperated outburst to someone who isn’t doing his share of the mental lifting. 一个工业和系统工程师, 然而, 这是职位描述, 因为这个人必须考虑到一切, 项目的技术规格说明, 如何确定导致故障的原因, 以及如何修复它.
世界依靠系统运转——交通系统, 食品供应系统, 通信系统, 政府系统, 还有太多不能提及的. These huge systems need men and women with the special talent to ensure they run smoothly. 他们需要“大局观”的人——工业和系统工程师.
That need is steadily increasing as the world’s resources continue to shrink and cost effectiveness becomes paramount. 现在, the demand for industrial and systems engineers is actually greater than the current labor pool. That’s one reason why CNN Money Magazine ranked system engineering the #1 job in America.
前景如此激动人心, you need a program that gives you every advantage in training for the real world before you graduate. 网赌上分平台的项目就是这样做的. 相互协作, 我们的工程学院, 未来的雇主, 学生, 校友, and business and industry professionals designed and built an innovative program that teaches you to:
- 应用 your knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in designing engineering systems
- Design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data to improve operations and systems
- 设计一个系统, 组件, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints — in other words, 经济, 环境, 社会, 政治, 道德, 健康与安全, 可制造性, 以及可持续性因素
- 在多学科团队中发挥作用并有效沟通
- 识别,制定和解决工程问题
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