理学士 工业与系统工程

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“我必须考虑到每件事吗??!!" That's usually an exasperated outburst to someone who isn’t doing his share of the mental lifting. 一个工业和系统工程师, 然而, 这是职位描述, 因为这个人必须考虑到一切, 项目的技术规格说明, 如何确定导致故障的原因, 以及如何修复它.


世界依靠系统运转——交通系统, 食品供应系统, 通信系统, 政府系统, 还有太多不能提及的. These huge systems need men and women with the special talent to ensure they run smoothly. 他们需要“大局观”的人——工业和系统工程师.

That need is steadily increasing as the world’s resources continue to shrink and cost effectiveness becomes paramount. 现在, the demand for industrial and systems engineers is actually greater than the current labor pool. That’s one reason why CNN Money Magazine ranked system engineering the #1 job in America.

前景如此激动人心, you need a program that gives you every advantage in training for the real world before you graduate. 网赌上分平台的项目就是这样做的. 相互协作, 我们的工程学院, 未来的雇主, 学生, 校友, and business and industry professionals designed and built an innovative program that teaches you to:

  • 应用 your knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in designing engineering systems
  • Design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data to improve operations and systems
  • 设计一个系统, 组件, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints — in other words, 经济, 环境, 社会, 政治, 道德, 健康与安全, 可制造性, 以及可持续性因素
  • 在多学科团队中发挥作用并有效沟通
  • 识别,制定和解决工程问题


Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. 该研究由Encoura提供, the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on higher education. It includes median national salaries and industry growth projections over the next decade. 点击此处查看报告全文.










  • Provides an introduction to the concepts, methods, and tools used in decision analysis. Formulating and structuring a decision problem and use of quantitative tools and analysis are studied. 涉及的主题包括影响图, 决策树, 敏感性分析, 信息价值, 以及风险态度. The issue of conflicting objectives is also addressed as a factor in decision analysis process.

  • Improving quality and reducing cost through the use of statistical methods; statistical process control and basic experiment design techniques; well-known quality systems, including concept and methodology of six sigma (a quality management program), DMAIC流程, ISO标准, 质量项目管理, 常用的六西格玛工具将是本课程的重点. 工厂参观和六西格玛实施案例将包括在内.

  • 先决条件:SYST 3389,协调员同意. 为期两年的设计项目的第一门课程. 还有一位指导老师, the student works in a team of two or more members on an industry-sponsored project. 包括项目范围和定义, 需求评估和分析, 风险, 标准与人因评价, 概念设计, 发展的需求, 功能规范, 并对概念设计进行仿真, 测试, 和验证. Work is presented through both a formal report and at a department seminar.

  • 计划的过程, 实施和控制货物的流动和储存, 服务, and related information from point to point of consumption with the customer requirements in mind is presented. 主题包括物流和电子物流的基础知识, 资讯系统及电子商贸, 库存概念与管理, 物料流和运输管理, 仓储和物料搬运, the type and use of electronic media in the daily functions of supply chain management, 以及全球物流.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our 学生. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a Bachelor of Science in 工业 and System Engineering, 查看学术目录:



学习如何通过以下途径获得大学学分 项目领导.


All 网赌上分平台 学生 have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.

认证 & 奖


因为它的多样性, equity and inclusion efforts the Tagliatela工程学院 has been recognized at the Bronze Level by the American Society of Engineering Education's 多样性 Recognition Program.

U.S. 新闻和世界报道徽章

U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 最好的大学-工程专业

The University’s Tagliatela工程学院 is again rated in the top third in its category (institutions that do not offer a doctorate in engineering).



The 网赌上分平台 was named a "College of Distinction" by 杰出学院, a national online higher education guide that assesses colleges for its engaged 学生, 伟大的教学, 充满活力的校园社区. The Universitys engineering programs received special distinction for its internships and opportunities for real-world experience.


在大学的B.S. 工业 & Systems Engineering program 学生 can start the path towards becoming a Professional Engineer (PE).

  • Our curriculum meets the educational requirements for PE licensure in AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, 和王寅.

Click the link below for contact information on State licensure boards.


点击这里 浏览更多有关牌照的资料 & 专业认证披露.