While studying in 普拉托 students will learn, 访问, 探索, taste and experience new and exciting things everyday.
The 网赌上分平台 opened its first international satellite campus in 普拉托, 2012年秋天的意大利. The historic city of 普拉托 offers 网赌上分平台 students an authentic Italian cultural experience. 普拉托, the second largest city in the region, is just 25 minutes 从 Florence and less than two hours 从 Rome by train.
在体验国外生活的同时, students will have the opportunity to enroll in five classes taught by both 网赌上分平台 and Italian faculty. All 网赌上分平台 tuition and fees remain the same as if students were attending our main campus in 西汉文, Connecticut - the only difference in price is the cost of airfare!
While studying in 普拉托 students will learn, 访问, 探索, taste and experience new and exciting things everyday.
Spending a semester at the University’s campus in 托斯卡纳, 意大利, can greatly enhance our students’ educational experience.
Spend your first semester as a first year student in 普拉托, 意大利, the second largest city in 托斯卡纳 and just 25 minutes 从 Florence.
Applications are accepted and approved on a rolling basis meaning that the sooner you turn complete and submit the application, the sooner you’ll be able to finalize your plans for your time abroad.
You will be billed 网赌上分平台 tuition, housing, food, and fees, as if on campus. Your 网赌上分平台 scholarships and aid will be virtually unchanged. Students will cover the cost of the Italian visa. Students will be billed the cost of airfare. In order to ensure that all students arrive in Milan as a group, we shall purchase group tickets.
了解更多For questions specific to the 托斯卡纳 出国留学 program, please see our 托斯卡纳 Campus FAQ.
General FAQ 关于托斯卡纳校区I have memories, friends, lessons, and experiences that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
This experience was externally beneficial.
I was able to branch out of my comfort zone.