I Will Always Represent my Culture and Background
政府, non-governmental organizations, 企业, and change agents – at the local, 状态, and national and international level – powerfully impact our lives.
As a 政治 science major at the 网赌上分平台, 你会逐渐了解我们复杂的政治体系及其参与者, and explore how and where you can make an impact.
我们的教师是各自领域的领导者和创新者,带来了深厚的专业经验 and academic rigor to the classroom.
I Will Always Represent my Culture and Background
The people I met at the University gave me the best four years of my life.
下面的信息旨在展示你可以从事的许多职业. The research is provided by Encoura, 领先的研究和咨询公司专注于高等教育. 它包括全国工资中位数和未来十年的行业增长预测. Click here to view the full report.
Operations and Policy Analyst
Students will take a comparative look at the sociological, 心理, 政治, 宗教, 以及推动和面对欧洲和美国移民的经济力量. 此外, 学生将探索和讨论接收地区的各种政策和社会反应的后果,并将这些见解应用于当代移民问题. At the conclusion of the course, 学生将提交一份政策简报,对其中一个问题提供规范性的回应.
In the globalized world of the 21st century, 随着不同民族国家之间日益融合和相互联系,领土边界造成的分裂正在逐渐消失. 在当今世界, 州, which operate as isolated entities, run the risk of jeopardizing their own national interest. In the background of this development, 本课程将使学生对全球化的新趋势有一个清晰的认识, 是什么导致了这些趋势的开始,它现在的模式是什么. 本课程将特别关注最近的“全球流动”及其影响, including global economic flows as reflected in the growing international trade; global 政治 flows as observed in the internationalization of 政治 issues; global cultural flows as discerned through cultural convergences; and global technological flows as witnessed by the Internet revolution. 除了, the course will also explore and analyze the issues of terrorism, global warming and migration, as an outcome of the process of globalization.
模拟联合国是一门体验式学习课程,为学生提供模拟的, real world experience of turning 政治 ideas into reality. 学生们作为国家代表前往联合国进行研究, 创建, 制定, 谈判, 并为一些最紧迫的全球问题/问题的解决方案而争论. This course will involve the creation of a position paper, participation in a prep conference, 课堂模拟, and potentially the MUN conference in 华盛顿 D.C. 或加拿大. At the conclusion of the course, 学生们将制作一系列报告和反思论文,综合他们的研究和对他们的经历和学习的思考.
本课程通过联邦权力所在地的介绍,向学生介绍美国政治, 华盛顿, DC. 在内容上, 该课程侧重于国际关系,重点是美国的外交政策. But this is not a policy course; it is a politics course. Students will study a range of foreign and domestic policy decisions, 一些历史, 大多数当代, 在这样做的过程中,你会对这些决定是如何做出的有更深的理解.
网赌上分平台提供各种各样的深度课程,为我们的学生创造一个转型的教育体验. 查看课程的完整列表,你会采取,而追求文学学士在政治学, check out the Academic Catalog:
Double Major - 英语 and 政治学学士.A.
不管你是在读高中还是刚从另一所大学转过来, 我们为来自美国国内的本科生提供全职和兼职的机会.S. 和国外. 录取过程可以在你高中三年级结束时开始.
We offer a comprehensive financial aid program, with students receiving assistance in the form of grants, 奖学金, 学生贷款, 兼职工作. Funds are available from federal and 状态 governments, 私人赞助商, and from university resources. 超过85%的大学全日制本科生获得某种形式的经济援助.