Master of Arts In Marine Policy and Management

我们的课程为您在与海洋和沿海资源可持续性相关的跨学科领域工作做好准备. 我们的创新课程为您提供技能,成为决策过程的关键部分,以保护我们的海洋生态系统.

Safeguard the Future of Our Marine and Coastal Resources

Human uses of the marine environment, including fishing, aquaculture, energy development, and tourism, have increased significantly in the past two decades. 沿海地区是生产力高、资源丰富的生态系统,也是世界上一些最抢手的房地产所在地. Multiple uses, potentially conflicting interests, 经济和社会依赖造成了更加复杂的可持续性问题, environmental law and policy, and resource management.

With our M.A. in Marine Policy and Management, you will gain the higher-level skills, practical experience, 以及跨学科的知识,使你能够在这种环境中以及与之相关的领域中茁壮成长.

Fathom the Depths of Human-Marine Dynamics

通过网赌上分平台海洋政策与管理硕士课程, 您将对与海洋有关的人类和自然系统中发挥作用的复杂力量有更深入的了解. 你在项目中获得的能力——制定和实施政策和管理计划, strategizing for effective public outreach and communication, 以及高度精炼的研究技能-将使您成为海洋自然资源管理问题决策过程中的重要组成部分, policy, and sustainability.

In addition:

  • 该计划的跨学科性质为跨计划的合作努力创造了多种机会, departments, and colleges within the university.
  • You will focus your career path by choosing 两个专业之一:海洋资源可持续性或海洋教育和推广.
  • We offer both a thesis and non-thesis option. The non-thesis option can also be completed in an accelerated one-year format instead of the traditional two years.
  • 您将受益于大学与其他教育机构保持的强大的专业联系, governmental, international, and professional organizations. This first-class network includes Gather New Haven, the Bureau of Aquaculture in Milford, the Northeast and Southeast NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, and academic and government connections in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Gerace Research Center in the Bahamas. Through these organizations, 你将有机会获得无与伦比的实践经验,并有可能获得全职工作.
Where You Can Go With This Degree

这个学位是各种背景和本科学位的学生的职业生涯的开拓者. Many subjects in the natural and social sciences, humanities, business, 工程学将与研究生教育完美地结合在一起,学习如何驾驭保护海洋和沿海资源的实际现实.

With our M.A. in Marine Policy and Management degree in hand, the fields of marine policy, marine management, marine environmental justice, marine environmental education and outreach, and marine law are all open to you. You could work in government agencies, 环境非营利组织和非政府组织-包括那些专注于外展传播的组织, and advocacy — and educational institutions.

Jobs that you could pursue with this degree include:

  • Coastal Management Specialist
  • Fisheries Manager
  • Coastal Resilience Coordinator
  • Marine Management and Policy Specialist
  • Marine Environmental Planner
  • Outreach Manager
  • Communication Director
  • Marine Social Scientist
  • Marine Science/Environmental Educator


You can even go solo and become a Marine Environmental Consultant.

What’s more, 因为这个项目的跨学科性质,以及与其他部门和项目(包括法律研究)的高水平合作, Political Science, Communications, Economics, 和英语-你将能够扩大你的就业范围,而不是海洋领域为重点的领域.

你在这个项目中获得的复杂的政策分析技能可以很好地转移到其他领域,使你成为任何需要分析和批判性思维天赋的领域的宝贵资产. Look at the interdisciplinary collaborations mentioned above. Politics, communications, anything to do with economics, and writing (especially the technical type) are all fields in which you can succeed.

Envision Your Future

下面的信息旨在展示你可以从事的许多职业. The research is provided by Encoura, the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on higher education. 它包括全国工资中位数和未来十年的行业增长预测. Click here to view the full report.


Natural Science Managers

4% Growth 2021-2030


Public Relations and Fundraising Managers

11% Growth 2021-2030


Environmental Engineers

3% Growth 2021-2030

Selected Courses and Programs

Learn from professors who are dedicated to your success.

Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience and academic rigor to the classroom.

Charger Advantage


Nationally Recognized Center for Career Development

所有网赌上分平台的学生都可以使用学校的许多资源 Career Development Center, which has been named one of the best in the nation by The Princeton Review.

From career assessments, networking, and job shadowing to on-campus interviews and salary negotiation, 职业发展中心提供技能和人脉,帮助你找到有意义的职业,并为你提供追求激情的机会.

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